I just finished watching an MTV Think first hand POV documentary on people living with HIV/AIDS with about 10 participants between the ages of 19-28. Numerous people in the piece who are positive are currently in relationships with people who are HIV-. There was a 20 yr old Caucasian woman who said after she had been with her HIV- boyfriend for about a month she finally told him she was HIV+ and "all the hugs and kisses STOPPED and he just wanted to be friends”. So you allowed the kissing to happen prior to you informing him that you were positive and all that occurred was the kissing stopped and him wanting to be just friends? Another participant was a 26 yr old HIV+ African American man that proposed to his 24 yr old HIV - negative girlfriend, who had earlier in the piece said there was no other man than him for her. These people must be better than me, because I don’t think I’d have the strength or desire to stay.
Please understand that this is a disease that I have experienced firsthand on more than one occasion. I have had people close to me and not so close to me suffer and die slowly from it up close and first hand. This is not an indictment on those living with the disease, however the reality of the situation is the disease has no cure and is transmittable. We don’t all have Magic Johnson money to get the secret magical beans. This shit scares the fucking hell out of me and I’m not ashamed to admit it.
I have a few questions:
1. Am I wrong to think there is no way in hell I’d knowingly put myself in the position to be in a sexual relationship with a positive person as someone who has taken all the possible precautions to protect myself from such a monstrous disease?
2. Would you be in a relationship with someone whom informed you of the fact they were positive?
3. When is the appropriate time to tell someone you are interested in of your positive status?
~Hoping for a cure~
1. Am I wrong to think there is no way in hell I'd knowingly put myself in the position to be in a sexual relationship with a positive person as someone who has taken all the possible precautions to protect myself from such a monstrous disease?
I honestly believe that a lot of people of our generation walk around with a superman complex. Therefore we don't protect ourselves like we should, because we think we’re indestructible. Honestly think about it, has there ever been a time when you needed 3 bucks for condoms and could not get it?? You may not know how you’re getting to that persons house but you got your condom money. It is a lack of education or a lack of information; it's just you thinking it could never happen to you. So no you're not wrong, you're humble in knowing that yes while you may be a king you can still get killed by the NINJA
2. Would you be with someone whom informed you of the fact they were positive?
I'm not sure I understand the question when you say be with. you mean like hang out, get dinner, talk on the phone or do you mean like have a sexual relationship with cause to me that would be a STUPID question but then a again love is blind right Ms. Magic??
3. When is the appropriate time to tell someone you are interested in of your status?
I think on that drive home after that magical date as she starts to pull it out I tap her on the back of the head and hand her a condom then we will talk about giving her a promotion to bareback after the test results come in cause yes fellas you can catch that shit from head too... I know shocking but true. Goes against everything you learned in junior and high school, hate to be the one to ruin your day
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